Effective scale-up and process optimisation

What works at one or two litres in a benchtop fermentation setup can seldom be replicated at scale. BioSouth works with its customers to iron out the challenges of successful scale-up from benchtop to large scale fermentation. BioSouth works at not only overcoming the technical challenges to scale-up, but also finding the most cost-effective way of producing product at scale.

Working with advanced data analytics and real-time monitoring systems, BioSouth is able to continually track and analyse process parameters. These tools allow BioSouth to make immediate adjustments and improvements to optimise results for our customers.

BioSouth also work heavily with automation and digitalisation technologies to streamline scale-up and production operations. Increasingly the company is developing capability in the area of continuous processing to allow process intensification and optimise the use of precious raw materials. 



30B Sonter Road, Wigram,
Christchurch 8042,
New Zealand.
Tel: +64 3 281 7826
Email: info@biosouth.co.nz